Monday, October 27, 2008

Need your help

I need recipe suggestions!

This Wednesday I'm having my wisdom teeth removed... ugh!

I know I'll make a soup but I'm having a hard time deciding on what kind of soup to make. Also if you have a good pudding or chocolate mousse recipe that would be great.

I can't eat anything with small pieces in it (nuts, oats, rice, etc.) so anything mushy, brothy, and yummy!

Also, if you've gone through this and you have any suggestions about the healing process and what to do and what not to do would be greatly appreciated as well.

Hmmm.... can you tell I'm nervous?! I had a really bad experience with a dentist when I was a kid and it traumatized me. I'm having conscious sedation performed because all 4 of my wisdom teeth have broken through the skin therefore, I don't need actual surgery. They say you don't remember the procedure at all but it still makes me nervous when I think about being awake during this. *breath*

Send your yummy recipes my way!


Cari said...

I had my wisdom teeth out about four weeks ago - you will be in my prayers! Since they've all broken through it won't be as bad as if they hadn't. Don't drink through a straw!!!!!! and you should be okay.

~kristi said...

it is not bad at all. I chose to be completly knocked out b/c I was so nervous. DO NOT USE A STRAW!! No soft drinks either. The anesthesia took days to wear off was really the only bad part. I was just groggy for several days, but I am also 4'10 too. Only soup recipe that is easy that Ben LOVES was a Verna recipe. --- One roasted chicken (or cook your own) use 4 bags of ramen noodles with the seasoning, and bag of frozen mixed veggies. Cook chicken, then cut up, add back to water, cook veggies until tender, then add noodles. Ben and the girls love it and you cannot beat the simplicity of it!

JJthe1st said...

I was just about to say talk to Cari but she already knows. I will be praying for you.

MikeandCharlsie said...

I love butternut squash soup! Just google a recipe and I am sure it will be yummy. Cooking Light has great recipes for this. I will be thinking of you Wed.

Anonymous said...

I still have my wisdom teeth. But poor Ethan I was there for that and it doesn't look plesant =(
I assume you are going to make a pot of soup before the surgery b/c you are NOT going to be in the mood to cook after. Ethan ate alot of rice. Good Luck! =)

Mike and Amber Murphy said...

Hope this is not too late, the only thing that helped me was ice on my cheeks. the easiest way to do this:
put ice in 2 zip lock bags
put bags in tube socks
tie tuble socks together and that way they kind of rest on your head. you can even tie the toes together too so they stay put on your head even when sleeping...feels so good!