He usually wakes up looking like a crazed wild man (refer to picture #2) haha
And last but not least, I told you he would wear his Goggles all day if I let him... well same goes for his matching helmet! He looks starved in that picture but I assure you he is quite the chunky monkey!
Update on us: We're all doing fine. I'm getting used to my surroundings and am finding a lot of good shops! The Lord has blessed us recently so that we could pay for the TWO leaks that were found in the foundation at the house in K-town. Our neighbor there informed us that he is a general contractor and the siding and sheet rock repairs were supposed to be finished yesterday. So now I think the house is ready to show and I'm fully believing that the Lord will bring buyers VERY soon! We travelled to K-town this last weekend for my cousin Mark's wedding. It was a Beautiful and joyous occasion we all love him and his new wife Jamie very much and I am so excited to be able to call her family! Of course I took my camera but did I get any pictures? Of course not! I seriously need a small digital camera that will fit in a pocket or purse:) We had dinner with our friends the Neals and the Gossmanns Sat. night it was wonderful getting to visit with them. Then we went to church on Sunday. Verna left on Saturday with a couple of ladies from Impact Christian Fellowship for Florida! The Lord told her to go so she went! haha I love her so much! There is a revival going on in Florida that Todd Bentley is speaking at. The Lord is doing awesome things there. You can view it at 7:00 P.M. every night at us.god.tv Go to the programming option then Watch Now option. I can't wait to see what Verna brings back with her! Anyways, thats pretty much whats been going on with us Praise Jesus Adom is a good traveller. Because that trip is not a short one haha! We're going to the Fort Worth Stockyards this Saturday so we're definitely looking forward to that! Hopefully I'll remember to get some pictures of that! Blessings!!!