Saturday, June 21, 2008


So I've mentioned previously that I'm not the most talented person when it comes to the crafty department... but that doesn't mean that I don't absolutely LOVE crafty stuff! I envy women that can make their own cute summery blouses and make their kiddos beautiful pillow case dresses.

From clothing to jewelry I've noticed lately that I've become more and more attracted to vintage! So here it is, my new obsession

Maybe this website is old news to some of you but I've only just discovered it and when I say obsessed it's an understatement! I've been able to find the most beautiful vintage jewelry that people are putting together on this website. Not only do I LOVE the way these pieces look but I love the fact that theres history behind each piece.

I wonder who wore that locket? Whos pictures did these lockets hold close to their beloveds hearts? Aw, I know how romantic right?! Heehee!

So guess what I did... I bought a pattern online to try and make my own "cute summery blouse"! Only one problem, I don't know how to sew plus I don't even own a sewing machine! Problem solved: Verna does! Shes going to teach me when we go down for Adom's birthday the end of July!

I can not tell you how excited I am! Well I guess I sort of just did. Anyways, hopefully I'll catch on quick to Verna's teaching and I'll have myself a hobby! Amanda told me I needed one haha.

Anyways, check out the website it's not all vintage (i'm just particular to that). Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Scanning through numerous galleries waiting for that one thing to pop out at me and say "BUY ME"! So enticing!

Happy Searching!


Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

I want to get into sewing also! Bryan and I looked sewing machines yesterday!! I am so excited!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

Hey, so I am just now saw your comment about the blog! It is so easy ... Have fun!

1. Go into! Create your own personal blog header! click "File" and "save as jpeg" or something along those lines. If you need more help with this, just holler.

2. Once you save it as a jpeg to your "My Pictures" on your computer, go to blogspot and sign in.

3. Once you sign in, click "Layout" on your dashboard.

4. Then click "edit" on the long header box. (this is where your blog title is).

5. Click that you're bringing a picture up from your computer, click "shrink to fit" and upload the picture.

6. Then click "instead of title and description."

7. Hit "Save Changes" and you're done!