Friday, April 18, 2008

Napping and Movies

So Adom has been taking 3 to 4 hour naps everyday. So during that time I have either been reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck or watching random movies.

East of Eden is very good if you haven't read it you should. Yesterday I watched Antwone Fischer produced by Denzel Washington. I can't remember the last time I cried during a movie, but I did watching this movie. It wasn't a sad cry either. This movie was based on a true story, to imagine what this man went through and prevailed is amazing. So... I'm almost done with my book and my next read will be Raising up Boys by Dr. Dobson. I'm excited to start it. Many friends have recommended it to me that have boys of their own. I consider it a privilege to be raising a boy and I want to raise him to be a respectful man of God. So thats what I've been doing haha. We'll be making the trip to Kerrville next weekend (26th) for my cousin Mark's wedding. So I have that to look forward to till then. It always helps to have something to look forward to. My mom always says that and it's true.


~kristi said...

don't need movies to ake me cry, think I will pas!!

Anonymous said...

you need a hobby..haha maybe sewing or painting...painting sounds good you need to paint something colorful to put on those bare white walls in that apartment! love you!

Mike and Amber Murphy said...

East of Eden is a great book! I LOVED it.