Thursday, September 25, 2008


So apparently fall is here... really?

There are little clues everywhere that something is changing but like the saying goes here in Texas, "If you don't like the weather, stick around."

This picture to the left was taken in Ireland I love the contrast in it. The vibrant green and then the beautiful autumn leaves.
So seasons aren't just about weather... life has seasons as well.

As I'm sure most of you know.

I've talked to a few friends in the last couple of weeks that I had lost contact with over the last few years. All we could talk about was how fast time goes by now and how things just don't slow down!
It seems like the minute Greg and I met God put us on hyperdrive. But certain seasons seem to go by as slow as molasses then you look back and think, man that time in my life went by so fast and I learned so much from it.

Graham Cooke came to our church about a month ago and I've been transcribing that conference for the church office. So I've been typing everything that Graham spoke to the church and it's really been ministering to my heart. He spoke a lot about resting in God's peace and using God's peace as a weapon against the enemy.

Everyone has circumstances in their life that may be hard to go through at the time but God is teaching you through these circumstances. This is how Graham put it, "Somehow what’s happened is the circumstances become bigger than anything else but the circumstance is there to give you a bigger revelation of who God is. So sometimes we need to turn our back on the problem so that we can face who God is and what He wants to be for us because what He wants to be for you is who you get to become." I love that God is always showing us a part of Himself so that we can discover through that more about who we are in Him.

Most people are going through some kind of transition. It's hard. But it's a stretching time for us and God is revealing things to us about ourselves that we didn't know about ourselves before. He is always making us stronger. He is always good. No matter what.

I hope this makes sense, I tend to ramble sometimes but I wanted to share my thoughts with my family and friends.

Graham said that our hearts are always engaged with the Lord's eyesight! I had to think on that for a while but it truly amazed me.


annie's mom said...

What inspiration I needed today!!! Thank you thank you thank you for being God's instrument. As you will soon hear, we are preparing to move to Tucson, AZ---talk about transition! It gives me hope to keep my eyesight in the right place, not in the details of being ready. love you!

The Gossmanns said...

Good word, sister. I sure am thankful for you.

Tom Richards, aka OldWeirdDad said...

I like the picture - I would like to see Ireland some day (and Montana too, of course). Maybe that opportunity will come since we have the Murphy connection now.

Yes, life has its seasons for sure. Be sure to slow down and enjoy the one you are in now - it is one of the best.