Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bargain Hunter

Living in a bigger city definitely has some benefits. I am always on the lookout for sales. I love the feeling of buying something for $6.99 when the original price in the store was $60!
There are several places close to us that I am constantly finding amazing deals.
I love Steve & Barry's which carries Sarah Jessica Parker's clothing line. Everthing is $8.98! I LOVE their purses! Thanks, Amanda for introducing me to this store!
But my all time favorite hunt is the Goodwill Super Store down the road from our apartment.
Yesterday I bought some GAP jeans for $6.99! In the past everything I've bought there has been name brand clothing. Express, GAP, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and all sorts of others. This stuff is practically brand new!
Goodwill is such a wonderful organization helping communities and people throughout the world. They definitely help our budget thats for sure!
I actually returned a pair of jeans I bought at the mall because I found the exact pair at Goodwill for $50 less than what I paid in the store!
So go have some fun and feel the thrill of finding a totally awesome deal!

1 comment:

MikeandCharlsie said...

Sounds like some good buys! I love a good bargain too!!! Looks like your move to the "big city" has really opened up some more opportunities for saving money, what a blessing. I love hearing about good bargains so keep em coming.