Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fort Worth Stockyards

This past weekend we went to the Fort Worth Stockyards. The history of that place is amazing and they've done a really good job at maintaining the original buildings. They do a cattle herd down the street twice a day, Adom LOVED it! We'll definitely be going again soon. The battery on our camera was low so we didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked. All the streets are the original cobblestone that the cattle were herded down all those years ago. The cobblestone went right into all the shops too. There was an awesome candy store that we spent way too much time in haha! There are a lot of people dressed up and riding on horseback, there was a man dressed like an indian chieftan with a bareback paint horse and a man that rode a HUGE longhorn everywhere around town. It was a lot of fun and we can't wait to go back!
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